Biography of Ad Konings

Current Talks

Tanganyika cichlids
News from Lake Tanganyika (2015)
Ex Congo semper aliquid novi (2014)
Expedition Northern Congo and Burundi (2012)
Breeding strategies of Tanganyika cichlids (2011)
The sand-dwelling cichlids of Lake Tanganyika (2010)
The Neolamprologus savoryi species complex (2009)
The featherfins of Lake Tanganyika (2006)
The genus Tropheus (2006)
Tanganyika safari (2003)

Malawi cichlids
The predator cichlids of Lake Malawi (2014)
Sorting out Melanochromis (2012)
Saving the Malawi cichlid biodiversity (Stuart Grant fund) (2011)
Breeding strategies of Malawi cichlids (2011)
Feeding strategies of Malawi cichlids (2011)
Sand-dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi (2010)
The genus Aulonocara (2009)
Musings on the evolution of mbuna (2006)
Cichlids, safari, and more... (2005)
Expedition Mozambique (2002)

Central American cichlids
The cichlids of Mexico (2005)
Nicaragua - cichlids of the craters (2002)

The age of cichlids (2013)
The diversity of cichlids (2011)
The catfishes of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika (2010)

Freeze-proof your cacti (2011)
Cacti of the El Paso area (2011)
The cacti of the Trans Pecos (2011)
Quest for cacti (2010)
Cactus 101 (2009)
Winter flowering cacti (2009)
The cacti of the Big Bend National Park (2008)
Cactus hunt San Luis Potosí, Mexico (2008)
The quest for the queen (2007)
The cacti of Southern Texas (2007)
Turbinicarpus from Northern Mexico (2007)
Turbinicarpus in January (2005)
The cacti of southwestern Texas (2004)

Requirements speaking engagements

Speaking fee: $1000 per event (maximum two talks)
Travel expenses: economy airline ticket booked with American Airlines (I prefer to make the reservations)
Other travel expenses such as transportation to and from airport
Lodging expenses: lodging for at least one night needs to be provided (two nights for weekend event)
Meal expenses: $50/day for each day of trip

Talks given

1. Netherlands since 1977 (various places). Honorary member Dutch Cichlid Association (NVC).

2. Belgium since 1979 (Antwerp and Arlon). Honorary member Belgium Cichlid Association (ABCV).

3. Germany since 1986 (various places). 

4. United States since 1989 (various places). Received the "Guy Jordan Retrospective Award" from the American Cichlid Association in 2003. Received "Outstanding Achievement Award" from the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association in 2003.

     4a. 1999. Seminar at University of Maine at Orono
     4b. 2001. Plenary lecture at the annual meeting of
     American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 
     at Penn State.

5. United Kingdom since 1989 (various places).

6. France since 1992 (various places). Honorary member French Cichlid Association (AFC).

7. Sweden since 1991 (Gothenburg, Kalmar, and Stockholm).

8. Hong Kong in 1991.

     8a. Seminar at the Polytechnical University

9. Taiwan in 1991 (Taipei and Kaochung).

10. Norway since 1992 (Dramman and Oslo).

11. Denmark since 1993 (Kopenhagen, Aarhus, and Aalborg).

12. Switzerland since 1993 (various places).

13. Austria since 1993 (Wien).

14. Czech Republic since 1993 (Brno).

15. Slovakia in 1993 (Bratislava).

16. Italy since 1995 (Faenza and Torino).

17. Australia since 1999 (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth).

18. Canada since 2000 (Guelph, Hamilton and Winnipeg). Honorary president Canadian Rift Lake Cichlid Association (CRLCA).

19. Poland in 2004 (Warsaw)

20. Portugal since 2005 (Lisbon)

21. Bermuda in 2007 (Hamilton)

22. Mexico in 2008 (Monterey)

23. Greece in 2009 (Athens and Thessaloniki)

24. Turkey in 2010 (Istanbul)

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