The Cichlid Fishes of Western
by Anton Lamboj
This book covers every cichlid species from western Africa. The beloved
species of West and Central Africa, from Senegal to the Congo, are discussed,
as are species from the most northern and southwestern continental extremes.
In addition to the better-known and often-kept species, several species
that have never been featured in a book before are discussed within; additionally,
several currently undescribed species have been included. Three chapters
discuss the general systematics, natural habits and care of cichlids from
western Africa. The book’s main focus is the description of every species;
most are illustrated with fantastic photographs. Information on the distribution,
basic characteristics, ecology and breeding biology, as well as keeping
and breeding in aquaria, are presented for each species when available.
The superb photography, combined with the individual descriptions, aid
the determination of nearly every species. The book is the most comprehensive
and up-to-date resource currently available to scientists and aquarists
interested in the cichlids of western Africa.
256 pages; 622 color photographs; hardcover; Price: $70.00
ISBN 3-928819-33-X
About the author:
Anton Lamboj was born 1956 and has been an aquarist since the age of
ten. Around 1980, he began to take a special interest in the cichlids of
West and Central Africa. This interest eventually led, in 1988, to the
beginning of his academic education at the University of Vienna, an undertaking
made while continuing to work full-time. He was awarded his Master’s degree
in 1993 and his Ph.D. in 1997; both works were focused on the systematics
of West African cichlids. In addition to his “day” job, Anton Lamboj has
worked as a lecturer at the University of Vienna since 1998. He teaches
general biology of fishes, with the biology of perciform fishes as a more
specialized goal, as well as instructing on didactics. Additionally, he
works on the systematics and evolutionary biology of chromidotilapiine
cichlids using morphological and anatomical methods, coupled with ethological
studies and molecular methods. Over the years, Anton Lamboj has made 13
field/collecting trips to Africa. In his works he has collaborated with
several leading scientific institutions (e.g., the American Museum of Natural
History in New York and the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Central in
Tervuren). He has authored over 100 papers (both academic and hobbyist)
in six languages, including two books. The above accomplishments, coupled
with the numerous presentations he has made in various countries, are indications
of his scientific and aquaristic competence when discussing western African