The "Day at the Races" event went off very well with
US$ 810.00 being raised for the Tiyanjane Beach Village Trust. Material
donations were also collected from companies within Lilongwe and every
attending fisherman went home with a new blanket (an item held in high
esteem in this part of the world) a "T" shirt and cap. The Trust was given
a bicycle to assist the Chairman and Office Bearers in getting around on
Trust business, which was very gratefully received as they have had to
walk long distances up until now. The 10 canoes (20 fishermen) involved
in the races were all paddled with great gustier whilst the spectators
bought a team (auctioned off) with the winner retaining half of the float.
In asking the Chairman what this money will be spent on, he has informed
me that it is to go towards the building of a school in Chief Maganga's
Domain, where they all come from. |